Extractions in Modesto, CA


A tooth extraction is a procedure that removes a tooth from the mouth. Tooth extractions are performed under local anesthesia. At Wayne T. Yee, DDS, extractions are performed for various reasons, including tooth decay, infection, and crowding. There are two types of extractions: simple and surgical. Simple extractions are performed on teeth that are above the gum line. Surgical extractions are required when a tooth is below the gumline or has broken off at the gum line.

Wayne T. Yee, DDS

Common Reasons for Dental Extractions

Severe Tooth Decay

One of the most common reasons for dental extractions is severe tooth decay. When tooth decay progresses to an advanced stage and significantly compromises the tooth's structure, the tooth may no longer be salvageable. In such cases, extraction is necessary to prevent the decay from spreading to other teeth and causing more significant oral health issues.

Advanced Gum Disease

Gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. In advanced stages of gum disease, the gums may recede, and the teeth may become loose due to the destruction of the underlying bone and tissues. In severe cases, tooth extraction may be the only viable option to prevent the spread of infection to other teeth and preserve oral health.


Orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners, are commonly used to correct teeth misalignment and improve bite function. In some cases of severe overcrowding, where there is insufficient space in the jaw for all the teeth, dental extractions may be necessary. By removing a tooth or teeth, orthodontists can create the required space for the remaining teeth to align correctly.

Wayne T. Yee, DDS
Wayne T. Yee, DDS

The Dental Extraction Procedure

Before proceeding with a dental extraction, the dentist will thoroughly examine the tooth and surrounding tissues. Dental X-rays may be taken to assess the tooth's position, roots, and relationship with neighboring structures. To ensure a painless experience, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth to be extracted.

Once the area is numb, the dentist will carefully loosen the tooth from its socket using specialized dental instruments. Depending on the tooth's condition and position, the dentist may need to rock it back and forth to facilitate its removal gently. After the tooth is extracted, the dentist may place gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding. Patients will receive detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing and minimize discomfort.


Dental extractions are essential when preserving a tooth is no longer possible or addressing specific dental issues. For the best dental care, visit Wayne T. Yee, DDS, at 3125 Coffee Rd # 1, Modesto, CA 95355, or call (209) 529-2726. You can ensure a smooth recovery and maintain your oral health and beautiful smile for years with proper professional dental care and post-operative care.

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Modesto, CA

3125 Coffee Rd # 1, Modesto, CA 95355

Email: appointments@drwayneyee.com

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  • MON - WED7:00 am - 4:30 pm
  • THU - FRI7:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(209) 529-2726